
Homeobotanicals (sometimes known as HomeoHerbs or Hbs) are a powerful, synergistic blend of organic herbal combinations in liquid form, potentised homoeopathically and selectively chosen to target specific organs and systems in our body. These holistic remedies clean out our body of all toxins ingested, inhaled and absorbed, leaving our body capable of functioning more efficiently. Release your toxic burden now with Hb's.

Detoxification is often the first step in the therapeutic process (esp. for chronic conditions). When the toxins have been removed a nutritional blend of herbs is again individually selected to encourage the body to regain homoeostasis (balance).

Acute conditions respond very quickly to these remedies, supporting the immune system and accelerating the healing process.

Chronic conditions respond at a more measured pace, according to the duration and severity of the disease or imbalance. Asthma, eczema, bowel problems, poor vitality due to toxin build-up, arthritis, hormone imbalance (and all the distressing symptoms that causes), allergies and so much more. In many instances, once the toxic load has been taken off the organs, the body will heal itself and no further intervention is required. Because this is a CORE THERAPY it can be used in conjunction with any other form of healing technique to enhance vitality and accelerate recovery.

Each 30ml synergistic blend of organic herbal combinations is individually tailored to your symptoms and needs at just a cost of £20 in addition to the consultation fee (if required). Additional blends can also be requested at a cost of £20 each. A 20 minute consultation plus bespoke blend is just £35.

So how do Homeobotanical remedies work?

The big question with all forms of treatment, medical and alternative is do they really work or is it just the placebo effect? Current research and quantum physics is showing that everything is energy. So not only is it possible, but but there is a strong possibility that energy healing is the healing of the future.

Many people report positive results from working with the remedies. Herbal remedies have been bringing healing relief to people for many thousands of years. In a study of 50 clinic cases submitted by six different clinicians, Homeobotanical therapy was shown to be effective in 75% of those cases.

I believe that combining the physical herbal content in Hb therapy as well as incorporating the energetic sucussion of homeopathy makes for a powerful remedy that really gets to the 'core' of the problem very quickly, be it emotional, physical or spiritual in nature. You can treat symptoms and you can treat constitutionally using Hb's both very effectively.

Homeobotanical remedies have four distinct actions within the body:

Physical action which includes organ drainage or the stimulation of release of toxins from specific areas of the body.

A Nutritional component which assists in the assimilation of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micronutrients in ones diet as well as providing a rich combination supplied by the herbs themselves.

A synergistic action which supports and reinforces whatever other healing techniques are beingemployed as Hb's maintain balance within the body.

A dynamic action arising from homeopathic potentisation, this enables the remedies to directly stimulate healing within the body.

The low potency adopted produces a gentle, sustained response resulting in remarkably few problems even in sensitive people.

Homeobotanical remedies cover a comprehensive range of conditions. All remedies are mutually compatible and can be mixed in an infinite variety of ways to restore the health of the patient. They can also be made into ointments, waxes, oils and washes.

In compliance with the various Statutes and Regulations, no specific claims are made for the application or use of Homeobotanical preparations. The blends are Dietary Supplements designed for use as part of a comprehensive care programme.

Book an appointment

If you are trying Homeopathy or Bio resonance Testing for the first time, it can be difficult choosing the right practitioner for you, so unless you have been recommended a particular practitioner, Wendy always suggests that you call a couple of homeopaths to see which may suit you best. At times, Wendy operates a waiting list, so she asks that all potential new patients have a free 15 minute Discovery Call by phone to chat through your needs and to explain how she works. New Patient Discovery Calls can be booked via the button below.


All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

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